bumbering around

Same Same but Different

You know its the little things that get to you… 

The big things you can generally process and work your way through.

Well thats my personal experience.

But its those little things that we take for granted that can really get in the way and end up really pissing us off!

So wifi – that little thing that we in the 21st century really cant live without – for me it is a lifeline to everything inside and outside of China!

I need wifi to operate WeChat (Chinese version of Messenger) which is crucial for daily communications re – work schedule (which has a habit of changing regularly.)

I need WeChat to access Joky my wonderful Chinese friend who always helps me when there is a problem.

I need wifi and a VPN to get access to the broader world!

I guess you get the message…. I need wifi to survive!!

So since my arrival here my wifi at home has failed 3 times!! – that is in 8 fucking weeks!

The first because no-body told me that the monthly payment plan for my phone (to which my wifi is linked) actually starts on the first of the month not on the anniversary of when I  started my plan.

My bad .. I ran out of credit…and so my wifi  died….of course I got a message alerting me on my phone but I don’t read fucking Chinese!!!

The second time not sure but somehow I think I ran out of credit again – too much googling!! 

…so each time China Mobile sent a technician out to find and fix the problem.

I set up Ali Pay (electronic payment system for everything) and have made sure that my plan is topped up – so that my wifi doesn’t simply stop working…

and yet again no wifi at home!

For Fuck’s Sake…what this time!!!

I followed the instructions really carefully when I got home and my wifi was down –

I topped up my plan just in case it was low…

I followed the instruction to reset the modern just as I would in Australia – that is to push the reset button but no cigar!!

Finally really frustrated and defeated back to Joky to beg for help…

She rang the supplier and after several phone calls what has become apparent is the use of the word reset here.

In China reset your modern is to switch the electricity off!

Under no circumstances touch the reset button on the modern because that means all of the data is wiped from the box and it cannot work again without a home visit!


…And this time the home visit is just not happening!!!

Apparently there is a notation on my file – Foreign English Teacher – No Chinese!!!

and I am thinking …….avoid home visit at all costs.

…..so here I am still without wifi in my home and having to use my phone sparingly as it seems to use the credit really quickly!

First world problem


Happy Bumbering!


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