The quality of air is still not very good and changes from day to day and this has got me curious about air pollution given that I am living here…well for the moment anyway!
There is lots of information on the news and social media about living with dangerous levels of air pollution and lots of debate about why it gets so bad around this time of year.
Beijing is ranked as the worst city in the world by a range of studies followed closely by Nanjing and then Shanghai.
The two major pollutants in the air can be blamed on two sources
…burning coal to keep warn
Sorry about that but its its fucking cold here so what do you expect me to do?… freeze?
…and too many fucking cars
well that would be linked to too many fucking people!
Apparently Shanghai actually creates more pollution than Beijing but has better air quality readings mainly because of it’s unique geographical features, such as frequent rainfall…
and the wind blowing pollution out of Shanghai.
The shared opinion here in Nanjing is that the quality of air has little to do with local behaviour but that the bad air just floats down from Beijing.
Well of course it does… Beijing is just 1,000 kms up the road
Dunno about any of that – just know the air is shit!
So folks here is some well placed advice from local sources on how to live with poor air quality …
(Note that we do not use the word pollution – its all about air quality…mmmm)
Keep an eye on air pollution level!
…well that would be a good idea
If you have a smart phone down load an app….there is an app for everything in China!
If you don’t have a smart phone you have to use the trusted old fashioned method.
If you can’t see
…less than 5km you should think twice about being outside too long.
…less than 3km and you should forget about going jogging and wear a mask outdoors.
…less than 2km and you should really try to stay indoors and wear a mask indoors.
But then again, blue skies don’t always mean zero pollution.
So wear a mask!
Fuck me – wear a mask you moron!!!
am crying…
I don’t look good in a face mask!
Happy …cough – cough – cough… Bumbering!
Oh and just in case you don’t believe me this lovely photo is the air purifier at Jo’s place…after being used for around 20 hours!