Jordan is a place of extremes and a land of hidden significance. My journey to Jordan triggered a dormant interest in the Bible, but also opened my eyes to the West’s role in determining the ‘geography’ of this region during the…
A religious awakening?
It is inevitable that when you travel to foreign countries that part of your journey takes in places of worship. It is only as you deepen your travel experience that you begin to realise the impact that religious beliefs have…
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts (part two)
Athens After this narrow escape I has in Santorini, (check out “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts – part one), I arrived in Athens and wanted to buy a SIM card – not that simple in Athens. However after wandering around for a…
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts (part one)
Lets be clear here I am not racist and this blog is not a slur on the nature of the Greek nation, most of whom are wonderful warm people but it is simply a warning to easy going, friendly and…
Traveller or tourist?
Traveler or Tourist? I recently heard someone talk about the difference between a tourist and a traveler. ‘A tourist is a consumer and a traveler is a person who experiences more from the environment.’ Personally, I think that this is a…