In setting up this website, I was asked to write about who I was and my instinct was to write a short version of my Curriculum Vitae but then when I started the process, I realised that I was so much more than my employment history.
I am a fifty something single woman who has decided that it was time not for a sea or tree change but a world change! I am; a teacher by trade, a change manager by profession, a part time university lecturer and a recently retired CEO of a national Not- For -Profit organisation in Australia.
I am a single mother of 2 amazing sons who are carving out their own careers – one in the political sphere and the other in the brave new world of entrepreneurship whilst holding down a full time job. I am a sister, sister-in-law and auntie. I am God Mother to three wonderful young people, a cousin and second cousin to a rather extended family from my biological and adopted fathers. Recently I became an orphan when my aged adopted father passed away following my mother who passed 7 years earlier. I am a mentor to so many successful young and now not so young women who I was privileged to both teach and learn from. I am a very lucky person with many wonderful and varied friends who have been the main stay of my life.
So why such a radical change? Why would someone who has a really good life with normal ups and downs suddenly leave home? Why sell everything (except my library which is now housed in a good and caring home) and embark on a journey into the unknown? Why indeed?
There was a seminal moment just over 12 months ago when my life had reached a cross road and I realised that I could either continue on my trusted but worn pathway or I could really change my life and do something completely different and to be really honest, at times, completely terrifying. My brother and I were sitting at the bed-side of our dying (peacefully) father just talking quietly when for no apparent reason my brother asked me a critical question. “If all the white noise was gone, what would you do ?” My answer was instinctive and telling. “I would travel, observe life, study and write. I want to volunteer in developing countries where maybe I could really add value to someone’s life” That conversation started a new chapter in my life.
I started to really think about what I wanted in the future. After playing with the idea and many conversations with those I love the most I decided to take the plunge, sell up and travel. I also decided that this was not just a holiday but a journey of discovery and self-learning and I set myself some tasks.
What did I do? I sold my house and worldly possessions and worked as a consultant for the next 12 months to ensure I had enough money to sustain my travels. I enrolled to update my CELTA teaching certificate so I could teach anywhere in the world. I discovered that house sitting across the world was an option to not only reduce cost but to deepen the travel experience and so engaged in house sitting for friends and family to get experience. I bought a camera to learn to photograph and visually record my adventures and I decided to set up this website and blog to document my journey.
So that is who Jackie Zelinsky is – just a typical, 50 something single woman with a determination that I will not grow old gracefully waiting for the next job or the kids and grandkids to visit, gardening and reading quietly, having the occasional holiday or anything else that a single 50 something year old woman might be expected to do! No, I am going to rush out and embrace my life and live every day, not as if it was my last, but as an opportunity to visit amazing historical places, to see something new, eat and drink something different, talk to a stranger, take a walk or bus/train trip in a strange country and most importantly learn from my travels. I am living, not waiting…
Happy Bumbering!

What a role model you are for so many women. Why do so many believe they are not able to live their dream (if they have one). It is certainly possible when fear of change and difference disappears.
Robyn Adams